Charlton Pettus’s
Exit Strategy is a cutting-edge, globe-trotting thriller
about the type of shadowy organization that most of us
have long suspected
exists behind the scenes.

A fast-paced, hemisphere-spanning debut thriller about the downside of starting a new life...The folks at Exit Strategy take their mission seriously.
—Kirkus Reviews
Exit Strategy is a winner. A smart, fast-paced, expertly written thriller that rockets around the globe gathering speed all the way to its satisfying conclusion. Part Ludlum, part Crichton, part Coben, it's a grabber from page one and gives new meaning to the words: 'be careful what you wish for!'
—Christopher Reich, New York Times bestselling author of Rules of Deception
A fast and satisfying read, Exit Strategy captures the magic of The Fugitive and wraps it in the shining chrome of a techno-thriller. It's a white-knuckle ride that just might teach you something about bio-tech before it's over.
—Daniel H. Wilson, bestselling author of Robopocalypse and The Clockwork Dynasty
Exit Strategy demonstrates the way a thriller should work, as it continually defeats the reader's expectation of what is about to happen. Pettus is in thorough control of his intricate story and capably takes the reader along for the ride.
—Michael Tolkin, author of Among The Dead and NK3
-Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)
Charlton Pettus

For event or publicity inquiries, contact Meredith Barnes

Publisher: Hanover Square Press
Agent: Stephen Barbara <stephen@inkwellmanagement.com>
Manager: Adam Peck <theadampeck@gmail.com>